You can accept payments through your mini-courses via Stripe. If you don't have an account, create one from their website.

With an active Stripe account, you can start getting paid by following this article. We divided the process into three major steps, along with their video tutorials.

Step-1: Adding a Pay-Wall Card and Integrating Your Stripe Account

  • Add a Stripe Pay-Wall card from the "Gateway" menu.

  • Click the "Settings" icon at the bottom of the card and click "Connect".

  • Connect MCG with your Stripe account by entering your account details.

  • Once you sign in to your Stripe account, go back to the MCG dashboard.

Step-2: Testing the Connection

  • Set the currency and price for your mini-course offer.

  • You can change default texts from "Advanced Settings" for success, error messages, etc.

  • Like you format any other card, you can add text, images, videos, and embed media with iframe HTML codes to your pay-wall card.

  • Click on the "Preview" button to test.

  • To make a test payment, instead of your own credit card, you can use the test cards provided by Stripe. To access these credit cards, click here.

  • If you see the success message, you are on the right track!

Step-3: The Final Checks

  • Go back to MCG dashboard, then change the mode from "TEST" to "LIVE"

  • Position pay-wall card anywhere you prefer. Remember, a gateway card will protect the cards coming afterwards.

  • You can get a sales report by clicking the  "Analytics" button. For a more detailed report, see your Stripe account.

Note: What you earn on Mini Course Generator is deposited directly into your Stripe account. We do not charge anything for the payments you receive. The only cut is Stripe's own commission.

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